The Best is Yet to Come

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). Gestational Diabetes (GD). Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH).

All pregnancy complications I faced with my third and final baby. My previous two pregnancies were fairly typical. Morning sickness during the first 18 weeks and straight-forward deliveries. I still thought it was tough. I remember googling ‘bad morning sickness’ when I was pregnant with my boys and stumbling upon an article on HG. It only occurs in 1% of pregnancies. It said celebrities such as Duchess Kate and Amy Schumer suffered from it but I didn’t seem dehydrated, so I moved on.

When I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant with my daughter, in March of 2020 no less, I figured it would be a similar journey, just lonelier. How WRONG I was!! I didn’t keep an exact count but my guess is I received over 200 I.V. infusions, 5 midlines were placed, and Big Sky I.V. Care became my safe place.

By 30 weeks I had been diagnosed with GD, occurring in only 7% of pregnancies. A devastating combination because all of your safe foods are no longer available to you because your blood sugar levels will sky-rocket. Goodbye Taco Bell and Diet Coke!

My husband and the love of my life surprised me at my office on a random Tuesday with a gorgeous Montana Sapphire ring. I remember thinking, I don’t deserve this, him saying, “It’s not your Push Present, it’s your Puke Present!” We both had a good laugh. Him comforting me only hours later when I found myself with my head in a puke bag. “At least your ring is pretty!” he said, again we broke down laughing.

By the time 37 weeks hit, it would be the understatement of the century to say I was ready to meet my daughter. Showing up to the hospital, in one last Hurrah, I filled 3 puke bags and was ready to say goodbye to my never-ending fog of nausea and Hello to Lorelai LaVigne Rogness.

FaceTiming my sister and eating noodles from my favorite restaurant with my hands, I was on cloud nine. I could FINALLY EAT! Moments later I faced the scariest experience of my life, a Postpartum Hemorrhage, a 1300ml clot and would need a blood transfusion.

After 5 days in the hospital, I opened my front door to my little boys running to me giggling, screaming baby sister is home! With the nausea cloud finally lifted, I felt like myself again for the first time in far too long. As a final farewell to my nausea and an appropriate finish to my HG/GD/PPH journey, a friend and I played dress-up with my treasure of a girl. A glamorous photoshoot, nine months worth of IV meds as my final farewell.

So long 2020 - The Best is Yet to Come!

To my sweet Lorelai LaVigne Rogness, I would do it all over again for you baby.